Sunday, December 14, 2014

Embracing Advent

Advent is a season that commemorates the long-awaited arrival of the
Messiah.  Beginning the fourth Sunday before Christmas, candles are lit, together with scripture readings, hymns, and prayers to focus on the gifts of the season: hope, peace, love and joy.
 I love the purple, pink and white among the evergreens.  

I'm intentional in my observance of Advent. I look for ways to make it all the more meaningful. It relaxes me. It eases uninvited holiday angst. My family is among the masses who have lost loved ones suddenly and unexpectedly during Christmas and New Year.  And, it is too easy to let sadness, grief and the dread of who else might die squelch the true meaning of the holidays.

While focusing on Advent, I am reminded again and again that Christ is the light of the world.  In him there is no darkness.  Only he can dispel the fear and grief so prone to gather in my heart and mind. Embracing  Advent is good medicine for my human condition.  When cold and weary from the demands of the day, it's like coming home to soak in a warm bath

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words/ and pictures Rebecca. Thanks, I needed this.
